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Karen Laws

Karen is a graduate of Caldwell Community College with four Associate Degrees in Microcomputer Technology, Pre-computer Science, and two in Business Administration.  Now she enjoys working as an Office Assistant in the LES department.  Just a couple of months after being married in October 1999, Karen began working at ASU for the Dean's Office in the College of Education.  Within the first year of her marriage to her husband, Clinton, she openheartedly took on the responsibility of raising Clinton's two boys, Kris and Kyle.  Respectively aged 11 and 13, Kris and Kyle are a tremendous help around their home in the Blackberry Community.  They both help take care of the dog, cat, six rabbits, and any other creature that dares to venture into the yard.  Both are active in school, earning great grades, participating in Band/Strings, as well as playing football for local teams in the County.

 Realizing that they no longer would have time alone, Karen and Clinton decided to have another child to add to their growing family.  On May 16, 2001, Aaron Travis Laws was born.  Kris and Kyle currently attend Blowing Rock School, while Aaron is in Merryland Academy.  Clinton is a truck driver for Southeastern Adhesives in Lenoir.  His job takes him out of town frequently; however Karen feels very lucky to have such a supportive and loving husband, who's not shy about helping with the household and with the boys.  

Karen hopes to continue working at ASU in the LES department. Someday she would like to begin taking courses again that will enhance her education and that will develop her skills for working in the department.

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