Chapters 7 and 8

In this section of the book, there will be a word wizard, discussion director, summarizer, passage picker, and investigator.

The job of the word wizard is to find the words that are given to you in the text that you are reading. Once you have found the words you will fill out the sheet given to you.  On a note card, one side you will write the word, the kid friendly definition, the page number and paragraph number from where you found the word. On the other side of the note card at the top write the word and the kid friendly definition. Then draw a picture of what the word means.  Then you will complete the activities listed below.

Words to be found

Scramble- Page 48            Dazzling- Page 49

Swirl- Page 49                  Scientific- Page 52 

Activities to be completed

Have you ever?

    -When is a good time to scramble eggs?

    -What is something you do that is dazzling?

    -What types of food can you swirl together?

    -Have you ever had a scientific moment? Describe it.

Word Network

    -What comes to mind when you hear the word scramble? Swirl? Dazzling? Scientific?


Investigator- Your job is to look through all the materials brought to you and find out the answers to the questions that have been asked of you. You can find your answers using the different materials given to you.

1. What are the Northern Lights?

2. How long do the Northern Lights last?

3. Name five parts of a Polar Bear.

4. How fast can a Polar Bear run?  and swim?



Passage Picker- Your job is to pick three passages that you think are important. You will call the groups attention to it, and read aloud the passage and have a short discussion about it. Your passages have to be funny, sad, detailed, hopeful, or scary.

1. Write the page number_________, and the paragraph number___________.

2. Write down the first two words ______________ _____________and the last two words _____________ ______________.

3. This passage is ___________ type passage because ______________________________________.

4. Think of a good thinking question for your paragraph. Write it down the question with an answer.

5. Answer one question: Why did the author add this passage in the story? or What does this passage add to the story?


Discussion Director- Thinks of questions that they believe needs to be discussed by the group. It could be an important thought, or issues.  Write these questions down and be sure to add a few answers given by the group.

1.  Talk about what could have happened to the kids if they would have fallen in the ice?

2. How did the Mother bear know not to hurt Jack and his sister?

3. If the seal hunter had not found the children would they have made it back to the igloo? Explain how they could have made it back without him.

4. Discuss any other important things you think happened in this section.


Character Sketcher- Identify characters traits, and prove by writing down the page number and the why you think that. Also identify what that characters goal and problem and solution is. Then you are able to draw what the word means.  Then you will complete the activities listed below.


1. (Trait)________________ Page _______

                    (explain why you think trait is important)


2. (Trait) ________________ Page _______

                    (explain why you think this trait is important)


3. (Trait) ________________ Page _______

                    (explain why you think this trait is important)


4. The characters goal:


            (what is the character trying to accomplish)

5. The characters problem is:



6. The characters solution is:




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