

I have decided to do my literature circles on Polar Bears.  My cooperating teacher and I decided that it would be best to read about Polar Bears because their class is learning about mammals during November. I thought it would mean more to the students if I was able to relate their reading toward something that they are learning in class. That way, they can bring knowledge to both subjects pf science and reading, and they will be able to have a better informed discussion.

I think this unit is appropriate for second graders because it gives them a chance to learn about a unique animal that can survive outside in the negative degree  temperatures.


Assessment: The form of assessment I plan on doing with my reading group is all informal. I plan on having the kids do a K-W-L before we began reading, then finish it after we have finished the book.  After we have read the students are going to do a concrete poem about what they have learned about Polar Bears.  Another way for assessment will be to have the students do activities that fulfill each section of the book.


