Passage Picker Example

Grace's Letter to Lincoln

Section 1:  pages 1-22

Page 10 par. 4-6

"They escaped...the hall." 

I choose this passage because it is so suspenseful and it also provides us with information about slaves and their families during this time period.  It is suspenseful because we are left wondering who is at the door and who is now walking down the hall.    From this passage we also learn that Jefferson's parents were both slaves who were sold to different masters. 

Question:  Who did you think was walking down the hallway and how did it make you feel?

Answer:  I was really scared for Jefferson because I thought that it was someone that had found out about the plan that wasn't suppose to.  I just knew they were coming to take Jefferson away and he would never be free. 

I think the author included this passage in the story to let us know what a scary time this was for slaves as well as the people trying to help them.  It also gave us some information about the Underground Railroad and how slaves tried to escape the south and get up to the north where they could be free. 

Page 19 par. 2-3

"Grace burst...butterfly's wing"

I choose this passage because of the authors use of figurative language. It contains a simile that expresses how Grace's mother comforts her while she is so upset about not being part of the parade. I also choose this passage because it shows us how much Grace wanted to help with the Campaign.

Question:  What two things are being compared in this simile and what does it mean?

Answer:  "Her touch felt as light as a butterfly's wing."  It is comparing Grace's mothers touch to a butterfly's wing.  This means that her touch was very gentle and soothing.  It was exactly what Grace needed to help her calm down and to let her know that her mother cared about her.

I think the author included this passage in the story because this is something that we can all relate to.  At some time in our lives we have all felt left out of someone and that has left us feeling upset just like Grace. 

Page 21 par. 5

"Mama sighed...women alike"

I choose this passage because it is a historical passage.  It gives us an insight about the time period and what rights women had.  We learn from Grace's mother that she wishes women were allowed to vote because she feels that they could really make a difference . 

Question:  How do you think it made women feel that they were unable to vote by law during this time period?

Answer:  I think it made women feel that they weren't as important as men.  I think it would also make them feel very angry. 

I think this passage helps to add feeling to the story.  We are able to understand the way Grace's mother felt and I'm sure millions of women felt the same way. 

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