A Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln

Section 5

Pages 1 - 12


Discussion Director:  Your job is to ask five (5) meaningful, thinking questions.  You should also write the answers to your questions, as well as the page number and paragraph number where the answer was found (if possible).  Ask the following types of questions:  two (2) Multiple Choice End of Grade, one (1) Characterization, one (1) Fact/Opinion, and one (1) Problem/Solution.

Passage Picker:  Pick out a passage you would like to share with your group and write down the page number, paragraph number, and the first two and last two words of the passage.  Why did you choose this type of passage?  Look at the website if you need some more ideas about different types of passages. Think of a good thinking question about this passage to ask your group.  Write down your question as well as the answer to your question.

Character Sketcher:  Your job is to complete a character sketch for Abraham Lincoln.  Explain how this character could be described as a hard-worker, intelligent, and strong.  Use the details in section one to help you illustrate what you think this character looks like.

Word Wizard:  Make word wizard cards for two of the three words below and then complete the vocabulary activities that go along with your words.

Plowed pg. 6 par. 1; Flatboat pg. 7 par. 1; Miserable pg. 9 par. 1

Sentence Stems/Idea Completions

The field needed to be plowed because _____________.

My dad and I built a flatboat so we could ______________.

I friend was so miserable last night because __________________.

Have You Ever?

Describe a time when you might use the word plowed.  How might a field get plowed?  Why might a farmer want his field to be plowed?

Describe a time when you might use the word flatboat.  How might you use a flatboat in a river? What might you use to build a flatboat?

Describe a time when you might use the word miserable.  Why might a hospital patient be miserable? How might you make a miserable person change the way he feels?

Internet Investigator:  Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, led the country through the Civil War.  Explore the following website to learn more about Abraham Lincoln. 


*After reading, click on the following link to answer questions about Abraham Lincoln.*

Click here for the worksheet


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