Civil War on Sunday

Section 2

Pages 18 - 40

Discussion Director:  Your job is to ask five (5) meaningful, thinking questions.  You should also write the answers to your questions, as well as the page number and paragraph number where the answer was found (if possible).  Ask the following types of questions: one (1) Multiple Choice End of Grade; one (1) Fact/Opinion; one (1) Cause or Effect; one (1) Mood; and one (1) Setting.  

When developing your questions, think about when Annie and Jack helped treat wounded soldiers in the field hospital.

Passage Picker:  Pick four (4) passages that exhibit the following:  two (2) descriptive; one (1) figurative language; and one (1) on your own.  Write down the page number, paragraph number, and the first two and last two words in the passage.  Why did the author include these passages in the story?  What do these passages add to the story? Think of a good thinking question for each of the four (4) passages to ask your group.  Write down your questions as well as the answer to your questions.

Character Sketcher:  Your job is to complete a character sketch of Clara Barton.  Use the details in section one to help you illustrate what you think this character looks like.

Word Wizard:  Make word wizard cards for two of the three words below and then complete the vocabulary activities that go along with your words.

Knapsack- pg. 24 par. 8; Ladle- pg. 25 par. 3; Barreling- pg. 35 par. 1

Have You Ever?

Describe a time when you might use the word knapsack. How might you use a knapsack on a camping trip?  Why might a teacher want to use a knapsack?

Describe a time when you might use the word ladle.  How might you use a ladle in your house? Why might a cook at a restaurant use a ladle?

Describe a time when you might use the word barreling.  Why might you see a dog barreling into the house? Why might someone see a horse barreling onto a battlefield during a war?

Sentence Stems/Idea Completions

The little girl reached into her knapsack in her classroom and found _____________.

The old man used the ladle to ______________.

The horse was barreling onto the field because __________________.

Internet Investigator:

Clara Barton was a famous nurse during the Civil War.  Research more about Clara Barton and her role in field hospitals during the Civil War. Look at the following website for information on Clara Barton:

After researching the website, answer the following questions:

(1.) As a young girl, where did Clara go to school? (2.) How did Clara help soldiers in the Civil War? (3.) How old was Clara when she died? (4.) What was Clara's nickname? (5.) What organization did Clara begin that still exists today?


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