Emily Upham’s Revenge

Section 3: p. 45-64

Character Sketcher

Your job is to sketch Emily Upham, Seth Marple, Mr. Farnlee, or Emily’s Father.

Discussion Director

Your job is to ask 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and page and paragraph, where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask questions from the following:


1 prediction

1 problem/solution

2 on your own "thinking" question

Passage Picker

Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

1 simile/Figurative Language

1 interesting

1 funny

1 on your own

Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following (choose 4 words):

Perplexed p. 46 par. 6

Abandoned p. 47 par. 6

Wretched p. 49 par. 4

Bestowing p. 52 par. 3

Mournfully p. 61 par. 4


Prepare a brief description of today’s reading. Make sure to include all main ideas and points.

Artful Artist

Your job is to draw or create a picture that illustrates what you liked best about this part of the story.  Include what the picture is about, where it takes place, when it is happening in the story and why you drew it.


Title Page

Special Note

Launch Activity


Midnight Magic Lesson

Ragweed Lesson

Emily Upham’s Revenge Lesson

Relationship to The North Carolina Standard Course of Study

Reference materials
