Class Information

| Evaluation | Schedule |
| Goals, Activities and Dispositions l

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Course Description: The goal of this class is to afford participants an opportunity to explore the issues related to the use of digital technologies in learning settings from several perspectives and to identify actions that may be effective related to those issues.  Students will be asked to read:

A variety of resources about digital technologies and learning

Case studies about the use of digital technologies in learning settings

Policies and policy statements from several sources regarding digital technologies in schools

and will be asked to identify key issues, share their perceptions of these issues, seek practical resolutions to the problems and issues identified and develop activities that address the issues raised.

We will be working in teams that include more than one cohort and program. 

Class Goals:



Explore the issues related to the use of digital technologies in learning settings from several perspectives and identify actions that may be effective related to those issues.


bullet A variety of resources about digital technologies and learning
bullet Case studies about the use of digital technologies in learning settings
bullet Policies and policy statements from
several sources regarding digital technology in schools

Identify key issues, different perceptions that can influence these issues, seek practical resolutions to the problems and issues identified and develop activities that address the issues raised.


Address key questions related to the use of computers in educational settings and be disposed toward consistently addressing these questions as new situations arise.

Review case studies related to the use of digital technologies in schools, answer questions posed in the class and engage in discussion with others about the different responses provided. 

Engage in a case study that poses key issues, shows perspectives that may be held by parents, students, administrators, teachers, etc. and which will challenge others to seek more information, look closely at the perspectives of  the stake holders and to be resourceful in seeking actions that may help resolve the issues and problems posed by the case study.


Evaluation will be based on:

1.  Quality of participation in online discussions.

2. Quality of analysis of educational technology policies and their effect of practice.

3. Depth of analysis of issues and identification of potential resolutions.

4. Potential effectiveness of identification of actions to take.

5. Quality of final project case study.

As you work in groups in your case study, develop a brief reflection that includes the following:

What you gained, personally and professionally, from developing this case and how this experience has prepared you to work effectively in educational settings.

Identify who you interacted with in cross-program, cross-cohort and within cohort groups and grade level/subject area and what you gained by working with these different groups and different people.

Your team: Reflect on the people, places, tools, and resources you relied up to complete your project as well as make decisions.

The impact: reflections on what direct, indirect, observed and/or hidden differences doing this activity has had or will have on your students, parents, colleagues or school leaders - and how you know.  How do you plan to act to further integrate digital technologies and information technologies into future professional roles?

Who, outside our program, was involved? Please identify folks who were involved in developing or implementing this project but were not enrolled in our classes. (Your principal, students, parents, superintendent, etc.) 

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Weeks 1-2

Read “Two Rules for Communication”

Read quotes on the following page and post your responses on our class Facebook page.

Week 3

Warm-up:  Review metacommunication podcast at In your groups, discuss strategies for communication throughout the course, and share the products of those discussion on our Facebok page.

Introduction to case study analysis

Weeks 4-5

Analyze case study in Teleplace – post group reflections to Facebook page

Week 6 (July 9)
Class meeting

Meet in Teleplace on July 10 (7:00 – 9:00 pm) to organize for next phase of course with Library Science students

Weeks 7-9

Work in teams to complete case study/role-play analysis of scenario

Week 10
Final presentations

Each group should sign up to present, via Teleplace, on July 30 or July 31.  All work must be complete and turned in via AsULearn by August 1.

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